2. september 2008


"Fremtidens huskeblok" - Isha Lerners tarotkort fortæller:
"Ironically, to the extent we resist the invitation to journey within—when that is clearly what is called for—we may experience depression or melancholy. We end up withdrawing from the world into a kind of tortured isolation, never realizing that the Bogey Man is only a Bogey Man until we turn and face him. Find a quiet place that opens your heart and soul to the beauty within. This all-encompassing luminosity is the creative matrix for your new and renewed self." Ja, det handler jo om, at erkende sine mørke sider og ydnytte tankens kraft indtil spøgelserne er væk fra ens sind. Det er svært i starten. Men jeg har erfaret, at man rent faktisk kan tænke sig glad og endda lykkelig. Man skal bare turde tro på det : )

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