24. februar 2008

The lighting of a candle is a symbolic gesture. It represents a time to usher in the illumination of the soul. The winter solstice is a sacred turning point of the year and often occurs close to the Hebrew \Festival of Lights,\ known as Chanukah. At the solstice, there is prayer and celebration honoring the Sun's rebirth and the new dawning of the Higher Self. At this time, one can move away from isolation or darkness, where spiritual seeds are sown, toward light and unity, where the flowers of wisdom can blossom. The young gnome girl in this card is creating a sanctuary for herself, a place where she can go within and seek inner peace, clarity, and vision. She is experiencing a period of contemplation in which she can reach into the depths of her personal knowledge in order to weave truth and wisdom into light. Inner transformation is represented by the rainbow carpet on which she kneels. The seven candles are like a menorah. They symbolize \lamps\ or \guides\ that help illuminate the process. A time of waiting or rest is offered to you. Let these candle lights reflect the brilliance of your inner journey. Find your own attunement and trust that all is well. Patience is a cardinal virtue. This may be a time to pause or a phase when you are rebuilding strength for your next adventure or awareness in life. Be still and let the inner truth be revealed.
Svaret på spørgsmålet: Hvordan kan vi hjælpe Max med at sove?
Jeg tror tålmodighed er svaret. Og når han så sover, så skal man lade op til næste runde. Der er vist ikke rigtig noget shortcut vi kan bruge. Og så er det tiden hvor man tænder lys og hygger sig indendøre.

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