27. august 2008

Guide of crystals - sct. Nicolas

"The image of Santa Claus with a flowing white beard pictured on the Guide of Crystals card is similar to the image of Grandfather Time, the keeper of hopes and dreams holds the key to potential manifestation. The rabbit on the card denotes fertility. Steeped in the suit of Earth Crystals is the message of Earth harvest, growth, productivity, and reproduction. Saint Nicholas is a Minor Arcana version of the Trump card V-The Wizard-who bridges the material and spiritual worlds, encouraging us to aspire to the wisdom to create abundance on Earth. The appearance of this card suggests that you been blessed in many ways. Explore the well of abundance and kindness that you can draw upon at any time. Expect miracles-the attainment of your wishes is possible. Remember the magic of believing. Rekindle your childlike sense of anticipation. When opportunity knocks, your hopes and prayers may be answered. Be generous. Be kind. Be thankful. " Jeg er velsignet på mange måder og sådan føler jeg mig også - hver dag. Jeg skal bare huske, at tænke positivt og ønske, drømme og så skal jeg nok blive endnu mere velsignet. Vær gavmild, god og taknemmelig : )

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