7. april 2008

Infinite Bliss

"You encounter the Great Bliss Queen in your life when you are fully present and alive in the world of form, while fully immersed in your flaming wisdom bliss. When you dance wild and naked in the moonlight; moan in ecstasy; squeal with delight; sign in sweet repose; or have a good, hard belly laugh at the sheer absurdity and wonder of it all. When you let your heart break open to the agony and the ecstasy, and especially when you discover that agony and ecstasy are, ultimately, one and the same. In short, once you have awakened to your own blissful nature, you encounter the Great Bliss Queen everywhere. There is no place She is not. She is All. All is Bliss."Vær i nuet, vær engageret og passioneret. Det lyder jo dejligt og det lyder som lykke i mine ører, for jeg får de berømte sommerfugle i maven, når jeg laver noget jeg brænder for. Så det er hvad jeg læser i dettte kort.

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