18. marts 2008

Dagens kort

Sunken treasures, lost hopes, broken hearts, and tearful goodbyes are all aspects of the emotional journey one must encounter in life. Though these times are painful, the ever-transforming tides of hope exist within them. A broken heart is an open heart. When we are willing to allow deep emotions to flow, there is invariably a gift of love at the other side. Sorrow brings the tidings of joy. This is the bittersweet aspect of love. The gentle mermaid in this card has lost her hope. The boat she was guiding during a storm has sunk, and her Winged Heart locket is broken. In time, she will look up and see her three friends, riding on dolphins, coming to her rescue. What seems lost will be regained a thousand times over as she reconstructs and discovers a new foundation of faith and hope in herself and in life. Often, we cannot see the forest for the trees. Treasures that lie before us cannot be found until we are able to discover them. This card may be describing an emotional situation for you. Allow yourself the time to feel these emotions. Honor your process of introspection. With faith and hope, a new revelation will gently come forward to heal your broken heart. Becoming one with your feelings is a crucial step on the path of life.

Jeg har fået en åndsvag hovedpine her til aften og jeg fandt ud af, at jeg ikke havde fået taget min lykkepille i morges. Altså sikke noget. Men nu har jeg trukket dagens kort og vil trække et mere ; )

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sagde ...

En rigtig god bedring til dig herfra. Det er jo som bekendt snart fuldmåne, så mon ikke, den også spiller lidt ind! ;-)

Unknown sagde ...

Det kan være, jeg er ikke helt på toppen. Træt og sløv. Men jeg må finde glæden frem igen, der er ikke andet for ; )